1. Learn about the environment.
2. Prevent pollution. Don't throw garbage on the ground. Instill this habit in your children.
3. Separate your waste and contribute to recycling.
4. Reduce the use of plastic bags. Use cloth bags for your shopping.
5. Reduce the use of paper towels.
6. Do not leave the tap on while brushing your teeth, taking a bath or in the kitchen.
7. Use energy-saving bulbs.
8. Throw waste batteries into the waste battery box, not into the trash.
9. Do not pour waste vegetable oils into the trash or sink. Throw it in the nearest waste oil collection bin.
10. Be careful not to print your correspondence, use e-mail.
11. Use ceramic plates and metal utensils instead of disposable plates and cups.
12. Reduce the use of plastic bottles by using a personal water bottle.
13. Get your own mug at work.
14. When you go on a picnic, collect your waste and throw it in the recycling bins when you return home.
15. Be careful to use local foods.
16. Consume consciously, be economical, be environmentally friendly.
17. Purchase rechargeable batteries for frequently used devices.
18. Unplug electrical appliances you are not using.
19. Avoid using air-polluting fuels for heating.
20. Pay attention to regular chimney cleaning in your building.
21. Pay attention to thermal insulation in your building.
22.. Walk or bike short distances. Prefer public transportation instead of individual vehicle use.
23. Protect forests. Photosynthesis is the only source of oxygen on Earth.